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table users
hi. as i already ask you before, about user management, you told me to create a new model "accounts". as in the DB already exist the user table, is any restriction to create a model to it, or is just for core ...
Answers: 1 16/07/2022 01:53 Readings: 535
best way to manage users app
hi. what is the best way to create a user manager page for my app?? is creating a custom/adminpanel page??? i should create a user model, then a page for each crud step...? thank PS: this is an excelent aproach....
Answers: 4 15/07/2022 06:06 Readings: 878
router -> defineRoute(); //If 1 was passed above, displays the data $debug -> displayInfo($mv -> router); ?>
router -> defineRoute(); //If 1 was passed above, displays the data $debug -> displayInfo($mv -> router); ?>
Answers: 1 17/06/2022 20:44 Readings: 527
Unable to load
i am getting this error on localhost. i made changes as mentioned to setup the setup file. router -> defineRoute(); //If 1 was passed above, displays the data $debug -> displayInfo($mv -> router); ?>
Answers: 1 07/11/2020 18:49 Readings: 1066
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