MV (Model View) framework represents the programming structure based on open source code for development of websites and applications. It is being distributed under BSD license. Also, MV is a web framework for website content management that allows to classify it as CMF (Content Management Framework).
The framework is written on PHP using strictly object-oriented approach. One of distinctive features is an automatic generation of Admin Panel where it is easy to manage content of the project's modules. MV is easy to install on the server with LAMP architecture, with a possibility to use MySQL or SQLite as a database engine.
Unlike the popular MVC pattern, the controller in MV is simplified and moved into a template. Template (view) for HTML output is managed by a Router.
No use of constants or global variables, all the settings are passed via Registry object which is built on Singleton pattern. Classes of models and plugins are automatically loaded into the system when needed.
Design, coding, programming
Website development with MV goes through the standard cycle, where in the beginning the design is drawn, then HTML template is coded, and after that HTML template is set under the CMF control. The difference of coding HTML for MV is that system doesn’t impose any constraints on HTML templates. It is recommended to code valid pages using "divs" that will positively affect on website rendering in different browsers.
- Quick adding of new fields into modules
- Speed and simplicity of PHP templates
- Build-in constructor of forms and SQL queries
- Automatic generation of Admin Panel for all modules
- Static and readable URLs for web pages
- Easy for team development